By systematically substituting animal products, developpement of vegan products can make a sustainable contribution to global food security. As a reminder, livestock farming is a major cause of resource depletion.
One reason is the fierce competition for resources between people and the billions of farmed animals. This pushes up the cost of grain, with the global north’s desire for meat too often winning out over the needs of others just to eat.
Vegan food products offer more opportunities for people to eat a more balanced diet, thereby reducing chronic illnesses and allergies. Plant-based food is the best way to eat for human being when the have access to varied, high-quality plant resources.
The absence of animal origin in vegan products help to reduce the number of animals reared and the use of fertilisers and other preparations of animal origin. In this way, the risk of contamination by drug residues from livestock farming (e.g. antibiotics) and by pathogenic germs, some of which are multi-resistant, from slurry and slaughter waste, which contribute to the emergence of epidemic and pandemic human diseases, in particular zoonoses such as Covid-19, is considerably reduced.
Finally, by reducing the consumption of animal products, the number of people working in slaughterhouses can be reduced. These people are exposed to physical risks, stress and exposure to chemicals. Processing conditions generate dangerous gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Finally, working in slaughterhouses causes mental problems, including Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress (PITS).
The absence of animal origin in vegan products help to reduce the number of animals reared and the use of fertilisers and other preparations of animal origin.
The billions of farmed animals on the planet produce such immense amounts of waste that the land cannot absorb it all. Billions of tons of slurry are stored, from which it leaks out or is deliberately discharged into fields and rivers, threatening drinking supplies and causing widespread destruction to aquatic wildlife. Much of poor water quality because of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution is connected to animal farming.
In this way, the risk of contamination of water by drug residues from livestock farming (e.g. antibiotics) and by pathogenic germs, some of which are multi-resistant, from slurry and slaughter waste, which contribute to the emergence of epidemic and pandemic human diseases, in particular zoonoses such as Covid-19, is considerably reduced. Reduction leading to an improvement in groundwater quality and counteracting the eutrophication of surface water. This help to improve drinking water supplies.
Given that sustainable economic growth cannot be achieved in the long term by applying the currently predominant form of conventional intensive agriculture involving animal husbandry and the use and processing of animal products, vegan products can make an important contribution to a more sustainable, plant-based agriculture in the future.
The vegan market is a market that can bring innovation and long-term employment, helping to renew markets that are suffering from problems of sustainability.
If innovation is also understood as a methodological and/or social innovation, there are certainly points of reference here, since vegan alternatives are a promising niche innovation in the food system that has both significant sustainability and transformation potential.
Vegan alternatives are driving companies to innovate and develop tomorrow's formulas and methods with responsibility and sustainability in mind from the outset. What's more, they are committed to not supporting networks linked to animal exploitation, thus creating a new economy that helps to reduce the old ways of doing things.
Vegan products contribute to reduce inequality between species.
When mentioning the need to reduce inequalities within and among countries, the implicit statement is made that this only involves human entities. In these times more and more people open up to the idea that non-human entities also deserve the right of a full potential and dignified life as a living species and that they are not mechanical products and human property.
Following previous equality revolutions, such as the ones fought for race, gender and sexuality equality, we take the stance that non-human individuals should not suffer unnecessarily in order for our species to thrive economically.
Production of vegan food alternatives contributes to the attainment of all SDGs. Food from plant based diet promote sustainable and healthy diets (consumption). Both being elements of the food value chain have high potentials to contribute to the necessary transformation of food systems towards sustainability.
See all other sustainable goals on this page to make the link.
Farming animal is costing the Earth : deforestation, pollution, waste of land, over-consumption of water and cereal resources to feed livestock.
By consistently refraining from using livestock for commercial use and slaughter, vegan alternatives makes an effective contribution to climate protection. See all other sustainable goals on this page to make the link.
By consistently refraining from using fish and seafood, and other fishery products, vegan alternatives makes an effective contribution to ocean and marine resources protection.
The fishing industry is not only the biggest plastic polluter of the oceans, it also drives entire species to extinction, while killing millions of other endangered animals, such as turtles, sharks, rays, and albatrosses. And, as trawlers drag vast weighted nets along the ocean floor, they destroy fragile habitats and irreplaceable ecosystems.
Just as farm waste pollutes other waterways, it also gets into the oceans. The nutrients in slurry fuel algal blooms which then starve the water of oxygen, creating ocean dead zones.
Farming animal is costing the Earth : deforestation, pollution, waste of land, over-consumption of water and cereal resources to feed livestock.
Reducing the use of livestock farming and the fertilisation of land with animal products, as set out in the previous points, helps to preserve the environment and biodiversity.
The whole basics of vegan movement are based on compassion, on all levels: humans, nature, animals. Among all, the vegan movement is working hard towards greater respect for animal rights. Animal rights activists are working to offer more truth and transparency about the reality of their plight. It's a positive thing for everyone.
Our certification mark also protects consumers in their choice of sustainable products by providing clear guarantees, in the absence of regulations on the use of the vegan claim.
Finally, by reducing the consumption of animal products, the number of people working in slaughterhouses can be reduced. These people are exposed to physical risks, stress and exposure to chemicals. Processing conditions generate dangerous gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Finally, working in slaughterhouses causes mental problems, including Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress (PITS).
As an international certification brand, we are committed at all levels (manufacturers, consumers, distributors) to supporting value chains and products that are both responsible and sustainable. We are having a positive influence on tomorrow's consumption. Our standard supports the in-depth transformation of companies towards the aspirations of today and tomorrow.
Credits SDG icons: UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
The EVE Vegan® certification mark is a certification program mastered by JSSCIENCE EUROPE CO,. Ltd whose objective is to evaluate the conformity of products and processes according to the criteria established in the EVE Vegan® standards of conformity. The objective is to guarantee compliance over time with the requirements for the use of the vegan claim on products or services. By signing up with the EVE Vegan® certification mark, you agree to comply with the certification procedure and the criteria of the standard throughout the duration of the certification.
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