Gain the trust and recognition of ethical consumers worldwide with the EVE Vegan® certification mark.
EVE Vegan® is one of the world’s leading international standards for the certification of vegan products and services. Whether used in food, cosmetics or textiles, the EVE Vegan® certification mark is the most trusted assurance that a product is 100% vegan.
In response to the notable global trend of individuals increasingly opting for sustainable vegan alternatives to protect animals, the planet, and their own wellbeing, the EVE Vegan® certification mark has emerged as a solution, catering to the growing embrace of veganism as a lifestyle choice.
By recognising businesses who manufacture products that are free of animal origin and cruelty-free we positively promote veganismas a kinder, more rewarding way of living that’s accessible to all. Our certification empowers you to make ethical choices that contribute to a compassionate lifestyle ans sustainable practices. The EVE Vegan® certification mark guarantees :
Products free from animal-derived ingredients and technical agents.
Ban on vivisection or live animal testing from development to production, including raw materials used.
Rigorous analysis of raw material, packaging, product labeling, and the production system.
Adherence to international standards ensuring the impartiality of certifying bodies.
Find out more about what does our certification standard mean.
Our ultimate goal is to encourage a change in consumer and industry behaviour that shows greater respect for all animals, and for the planet itself. We aim to promote and facilitate the adoption of a vegan lifestyle by providing a clear and trusted certification mark. We believe future is vegan.
Since its founding in France in 2016, EVE Vegan® has been able to convince by its high standards, and has helped hundreds of companies to enter the rapidly expanding vegan market. Our mark now exceeds the 11,000 goods or services assessed in 25 countries. EVE Vegan® is a global phenomenon.
Our certification ensures consumers that products they buy meet strict standards, giving them confidence that their choices align with their values.
The EVE Vegan® certification mark allows businesses to gain the trust and recognition of ethical consumers worldwide while reinforcing their company's brand image.
By its principles and criteria EVE Vegan® certification program provides solutions for a development that covers some of the 17 goals in their various aspects.
They have put their trust in us and joined our innovative certification program.
(MyVeggie - Food Supplements)
The EVE Vegan® certification mark is a certification program mastered by JSSCIENCE EUROPE CO,. Ltd whose objective is to evaluate the conformity of products and processes according to the criteria established in the EVE Vegan® standards of conformity. The objective is to guarantee compliance over time with the requirements for the use of the vegan claim on products or services. By signing up with the EVE Vegan® certification mark, you agree to comply with the certification procedure and the criteria of the standard throughout the duration of the certification.
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